

英 ['siːkwɪn] 美['sikwɪn]
  • n. 作衣服饰物用之小金属片;古威尼斯金币
  • n. (Sequin)人名;(法)塞坎



复数: sequins;形容词: sequinned;


sequin 古威尼斯金币,闪光小金属圆片

来自法语 sequin,来自意大利语 zecchino,一种威尼斯金币,-ino,小词后缀,来自 zecca,铸币, 来自阿拉伯语 sikkah,制币模具。后引申词义闪光小金属圆片,因其金光闪闪而得名。


sequin: [17] When English first adopted sequin, it was the name of a coin. Its ultimate ancestor was Arabic sikkah, which denoted a die from which coins were minted (in Anglo-Indian English from the 17th to the 19th century, a sicca was a newly minted rupee). Italian took the word over as zecca, and created a diminutive form zecchino, referring to a gold coin.

The original application was specifically to a Venetian coin, but this subsequently broadened out, and the term was also used for a Turkish coin (alternatively known as a sultanin). In French, zecchino became sequin, which is the form in which English acquired it. The word might well have followed the coin into oblivion, but in the late 19th century it managed to get itself applied to the small round shiny pieces of metal applied to clothing, and its continued existence was guaranteed.

sequin (n.)
1610s, name of a former Italian and Turkish gold coin, from French sequin (17c.), from Italian zecchino, name of a Venetian coin, from zecca "a mint," from Arabic sikkah "a minting die." Meaning "ornamental disc or spangle" is first recorded 1882, from resemblance to a gold coin. Related: Sequined (1890).


1. Her dress is covered in sequin which twinkles as she moves.


2. This was the only sequin we found on the bed, right ?
我们只在床上找到这一个亮片是 吗 ?


3. Sequin Garments, Dress, Packaging Materials, Speciality, Fashion and Garment Accessories.
采购产品亮片服装, 礼服, 包装材料, 专业, 时装设计和服装配件.
